A Comprehensive Course for Success in Financial Markets


Indian market

The Indian market is a collection of assets that investors can buy and sell, including stocks, bonds, derivatives, and ETFs. It’s a vital part of India’s economy, providing a way for companies to raise capital and for investors to earn returns.


This course is specially designed for beginners, who are interested to learn Indian Stock Market from very basic level.

Swing Trade

Learn All The Charting Tools, Trading Strategies And Profitable Hacks For Swing Trading With Real World Examples!

Equity Intraday

This is the complete course for all the freshers and experienced.This course is beautifully designed and has the value to earn money in share market.

Future & options

This course will show you the easiest path to trade Futures and Options. In the course, you will learn most popular and useful options strategies.


ICT & SMC Advance Strategy in options trading.Smart money trading refers to the actions and decisions made by informed or institutional investors.People with basic trading knowledge that want to learn more...

Price Action

Price action is the movement of a security's price plotted over time. Price action forms the basis for all technical analyses of a stock, commodity, or other asset charts.

Forex & Crypto

Forex trading is the buying and selling of currencies, while commodity trading is the buying and selling of raw materials or physical goods. Both are global markets that are influenced by economic factors like supply and demand

Forex Trading

Forex trading involves purchasing and selling currencies in the global currency markets.If you are looking for best forex trading courses for beginners, Contact Thrivestocks Academy. we will help you.

Commodity Trading

Commodities are typically sorted into four broad categories: metal, energy, livestock, and meat and agricultural products.There are many ways to invest in commodities, including futures contracts, options, and exchange-traded funds .

Crypto Trading

Cryptocurrency trading is the act of speculating on cryptocurrency price movements via a CFD trading account, or buying and selling the underlying coins via an exchange.


A Comprehensive Course for Success in Financial Markets

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